Windon Energy Group operates in the energy sector. The company is a supplier of solar cell systems and offers complete systems consisting of solar panels, inverters, and mounting systems to installers who sell the products to customers. The products are also offered to property owners, developers of solar parks, and industrial companies. The largest operations are conducted within the Nordic region.

Quotes for Windon Energy Group AB

Right Now

11 481
Turnover (SEK)
35 640
Market Value (MSEK)
Time (Latest trade)



  • Henrik Karstensen

Chairperson of the Board

  • Johan Kjell


  • Christoffer De Geer
  • Henrik Karstensen
  • Michaela Berglund
  • Vahid Toosi

Largest Owners

Name Capital % Votes % Date
Johluc Holding AB 12,13 12,13 2024-06-26
Henrik Karstensen 12,13 12,13 2024-06-26
Johan Kjell 8,83 8,83 2024-06-26
Vahid Toosi 8,83 8,83 2024-06-26
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring 7,87 7,87 2023-06-29
Peter Sigfrid 7,45 7,45 2023-05-25
Avanza Pension 5,35 5,35 2024-06-26
Filip Ummer Bergholm 4,19 4,19 2024-06-26
Christoffer Valentin AB 3,59 3,59 2024-06-26
Prizmabron I Norrköping Aktiebolag 3,59 3,59 2024-06-26
** Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from various sources, including Euroclear, Morningstar and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Insider trading

*Source: Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

Key Numbers

*Compiled data from Millistream

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