Invoicery is a company that offers digital services. The company offers services in self-employment and workforce management for private and business customers. Invoicery operates under the Frilans Finans brand in Sweden and Norway and under Invoicery in Finland, Denmark and France. Furthermore, workforce management is conducted under the brand name Invoicery Business. The company was founded in 1999 and merged with SPACtvå through a reverse acquisition in 2023.

Quotes for Invoicery Group AB

Right Now

6 447
Turnover (SEK)
21 653
Market Value (MSEK)
Time (Latest trade)



  • Stephen Schad

Chairperson of the Board

  • Regina Sipos


  • Mats Ottosson
  • Mia Jurke
  • Stephen Schad

Largest Owners

Name Capital % Votes % Date
Stephen Schad 62,27 62,27 2024-06-26
Per Nilsson 4,54 4,54 2023-03-30
Avanza Pension 2,42 2,42 2024-06-26
Marcus Bonsib 2,13 2,13 2024-06-26
Thord Wilkne 1,68 1,68 2024-06-26
West Island AB 1,44 1,44 2024-06-26
Investment AB Spiltan 0,84 0,84 2024-06-26
Kamwil AB 0,84 0,84 2024-06-26
Daniel Nordström 0,48 0,48 2024-06-26
Love Strandberg 0,44 0,44 2024-06-26
** Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from various sources, including Euroclear, Morningstar and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Insider trading

*Source: Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

Key Numbers

*Compiled data from Millistream

Upcoming reports

  • 2024-08-21 Delårsrapport 2024-Q2

  • 2024-11-27 Delårsrapport 2024-Q3

  • 2025-02-26 Bokslutskommuniké 2024